The Road To VAhood

I have never thought I will pursue this VA profession. I am practicing engineering and technical stuffs half my life until I  discovered Jomar Hilario thru Bo Sanchez. It was the summer of 2010 and I just came back from my 2 year overseas work . I came back with a decision to stay for good. I was able to get a job immediately, but like many ex-Filipino workers abroad, I face the dilemma of huge salary difference here and there. So I tried to search for other sources  of income online  and eventually subscribe to Jomar Hilario's mentoring site. Almost everyday, Jomar is sending emails on how I can earn passive income online. But I just couldn't absorb all of what he is saying. At the back of my mind, engineering and online marketing are miles apart. So in short, nothing happened.

March of 2012 when I decided to quit my regular job and started my own business (electrical installation services). It was a rough start actually and the competition was really stiff so I search for ways on how I can market my business online. That is the time I went back to Jomar's emails. I make it a habit to read them on my spare times. Slowly, I began to digest what he is trying to say. But what motivated me most was when I saw one of his webinar recording on Youtube:

What sets Jomar apart from other online mentors is he attacks your inner self. He is not like other mentors who focus solely on technical stuffs. He is right on saying that you will not become successful working online if you will not change your values and get out of the box. I made attempts to attend his live trainings and seminars but my busy schedule (I have 4 hyper kids!) and location wouldn't permit me.

Finally, last July 11, 2012, I was able to avail his Downloadable VA Seminar and since then, I have so many sleepless nights, not because of the assignments (haha!), but due to the enormous information and knowledge I'm getting from it.

Sure I have a long way to go, but I know I made an intelligent decision. And I know that that decision will forever change my life.


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